Adrian Ashley is a seasoned business and finance writer. With a corporate career spanning over 20 years, he has developed deep experience in such diverse areas as investing, business, finance, technology and macroeconomics.
Fibonacci indicators can reliably help traders spot trend reversals within asset movements to align your trading strategies intelligently with market movements
Bollinger Bands are a powerful technical analysis tool that helps you spot how volatile a market is so you can be ready to place winning trades. The article explains how.
What is technical analysis? How does this form of trading analysis help you become a better trader who makes more informed decisions? Read this article for the answers.
Trading channels are a powerful way to trade in a controlled and predictable manner. Learn how to identify and deploy channels in trading to become a more successful trader.
This article describes the moving average, one of the most important tools in technical analysis for retail traders. Find out what this measure refers to and how you can use it to your advantage
Use this guide to learn how to use financial reporting to draw financial ratios that help you make winning stock purchasing decisions.
Understanding EPS is crucial because it not only indicates a company's earnings but also influences investor decisions. Learn why it's a fundamental metric for assessing a company's financial health.
Commodity trading has been around for many centuries and is the bedrock of modern trade as we know it. Find out about the types of commodities you can trade and how to do it
Understanding these patterns can help you make informed trading decisions and identify when to buy, sell, or hold your positions.
Read this article to understand the most common and important financial ratios to work with in stock trading and learn what each of them means
Learn about what national debt is, particularly in the United States, and find out how it affects your investments as a retail trader
Learn everything there is to know about the Best Skrill FOREX brokers in 2025. Discover how each of these brokers operates with Skrill as a payment method